BIOfutures 26/04/23

Announcing BIOfutures Series II - biomaterials, biodesign, and biotechnology for the body, health, and wellbeing.

The series features a stellar line-up of seminal figures in the field, kicking off with award-winning designer and researcher Charlotte McCurdy, whose work, which has featured in The New York Times, CNN, Wallpaper, and Vogue, among many others, sits at the intersection of emerging technology, futures, and existential threats.

Other speakers in BIOfutures Series II include Veronica Ranner, transdisciplinary artist and designer, Assistant Professor in Product Design and Director of the Polyphonic Futures Lab at Nanyang Technological University, School of Art and Design, Singapore; Carole Collet, Professor in Design for Sustainable Futures, Director of Maison/0 - Central Saint Martins LVMH creative platform, and co-director of the Design & Living Systems Lab research group at CSM; Piero D’Angelo, fashion and textile biodesigner; and Hannah Hansel, artist and researcher, and International Pathway courses lead at University for the Creative Arts newly formed school UCAIC, among others.

As in Series I, our conversations will explore the visions, insights, hopes, dreams, and concerns of this thought-leading collective whose work is shaping our BIOfutures.

Follow @melissasterry for updates and to join the livestreamed sessions.


BIOfutures 03/05/23


Future Now