How might emerging biosensing and bioenergy concepts converge with biomaterials to catalyse a new generation of material systems? In this upcoming BIOfutures IG session the founders of Electric Skin, Catherine Euale and Paige Perillat-Piratoine, and I will explore how leading-edge research across these fields suggests the materials we use in apparel and accessories may evolve to becoming truly life-like, and in the process help address critical issues of environment.
Catherine Euale is cofounder and material researcher at Electric Skin. Her work involves crafting the material scaffold for nanowires to produce optimal amounts of power. Working at the intersection of art, science, and ethics, her work is deeply rooted in the natural world, and she is passionate about using art as a tool for environmental advocacy.
Paige Perillat-Piratoine is cofounder and business development lead at Electric Skin. Her work involves guiding the concept from idea to prototype, as well as co-ordinating and communicating the journey.
Follow @melissasterry to join this live-streamed session and for updates on the series.