At a time of climate and wider environmental crisis, sustainability is a word on many people’s lips. Yet, by the day, new data suggests ever bleaker futures for people and planet. What needs to be done now to build better futures, and why and how?
Live-streaming on Instagram IG at 18:00 on August 31st, the ‘Building Better Futures Now’ session will bring peers and I together to discuss these questions. A drop-in session, no RSVP is needed.
Joining this session are:
Prof. Rachel Armstrong (speaker) Professor of Architecture at KU Leuven. Coordinated the Living Architecture Project. Multi-published author, Senior TED fellow, and co-curator and exhibitor at several leading architecture festivals.
Melissa Sterry, PhD (speaker) Chartered Design Scientist / Systems Theorist / Biofuturist / Serial Founder at Bio-futurism consultancy Bioratorium® / at biodesign lab Bionic City® / and at Panarchic Codex®.
Servane Mouazan (host) Using thinking environments, Servane helps Impact Investors collaborate to re-imagine, define and action positive strategic futures.
For updates and to join us in this session, follow @melissasterry