International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Many thanks to Sustainability Speakers for including me in their list of recommended scientists for companies seeking insights this coming International Day of Women and Girls in Science, together with Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Sally Uren, Dr. Tara Shine, and Hon. DSc. Emily Penn, among others.


“International Day of Women and Girls in Science’ is an annual celebration which takes place on the 11th of February. A significant awareness day, it allows us to honour the achievements of many women and girls in science. With current research suggesting that women continue to only make up 28% of the workplace in STEM roles, it remains crucial that we support and inspire women to take the leap into science.

Here at the Sustainability Speakers Agency, we have selected our top International Day of Women and Girls in Science speakers to hire for events in 2023.

What is the 2023 International Day of Women and Girls in Science theme? The International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023 theme is:

Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance :

I.D.E.A. : Bringing communities forward for sustainable and equitable development.

How can you observe the International Day of Women and Girls in Science? There are many ways that the International Day of Women and Girls in Science can be observed throughout the community. Here are a few suggestions on how we recommend you commemorate this important event:

1. Learn about the contributions women have made to the STEM sectors Many women have become trailblazers in the world of science. On the 11th of February, it may be beneficial to conduct some research into these inspirational women or hire one of our talented speakers who have empowered thousands of professionals across the UK.

2. Encourage peers and colleagues to focus on their passions

It can be difficult for women to take the leap into STEM industries on their own. Too often, women veer away from their passions, but this needs to be changed. Encourage your peers and colleagues to enter the road less travelled and help them start their journey into STEM.”


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