BIOfutures 25/05/22

How might still emerging developments in fields including biosensing, biocomputing, biodesign, biomaterials, and biofabrication open new ways to address critical environmental and social problems facing cities around the world? Join ecologicStudio founding director Prof. Claudia Pasquero, Research associate at the Synthetic Landscape Lab Maria Kuptsova and I for the concluding session in the inaugural BIOfutures IG sessions, which airs at 18:00 BST on May 25th here.

After this first series draws to a close, the insights, visions, and ideas shared by its several guests will be compiled, together with further thoughts from seminal researchers and practitioners working at the edge of the bio-fields, and compiled into open access publications including an e-zine, articles, and more.

Update: Hear the recording of the session featuring Prof. Claudia Pasquero, Maria Kuptsova and Dr. Melissa Sterry here.


Ecological Design Thinking


BIOfutures 19/05/22