Ecological Design Thinking

One of the chapter authors of The Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking, sharing details of the publication, which is now on pre-order.

A seminal work, the companion is edited by Professor Mitra Kanaani and features contributions from foremost thinkers in the field worldwide, including Michael Hensel, Sean Ahlquist, Matias del Campo, Patrik Schumacher, Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto, and Martyn Dade-Robertson, among others.

Investigating ways in which designers, architects, and planners can address critical environmental problems by integrating ecological ideas and ecological thinking, the companion explores innovations in materials, habitats, landscapes, and infrastructures.

An extensive collection on ecotopian design ideas, the companion’s contents span design manifestos and ecological theories, anthropocentric transformative design concepts, and design connectivity, climatic design, and social design.

My contribution to the publication is the chapter “Design for Wildfire: Architecture as Catalyst for Virtuous not Vicious Wildfire Activity”, which presents the problem of living with wildfire, the historic solutions, and the potential for building urban and peri-urban resilience to major wildfire at and beyond the wildland urban interface through the mimicry of the biochemistries, behaviours, relationships and systems of pyrophytes [fire-adapted flora and fauna], and the assemblages the form.

Find further information here.


In interview with CBC Radio


BIOfutures 25/05/22