In this BIOfutures IG session we’ll discuss how, when integrated with ancient aesthetics and traditional craftsmanship, biomaterials might be used to create fashion that’s as timeless as it is sustainable. Looking back to look forward, in the next BIOfutures session, we’ll discuss how ‘slow fashion’ may be one of our fastest routes to addressing some critical environmental and social injustice issues.
I’ll be joinined in conversation by the founder of Traditional Futures, Surzhana Radnaeva. Raised in an indigenous Buryat family on the Siberian steppes, Radnaeva is currently based in Marseilles, and her work sits at the intersection of traditional craftsmanship and biomaterials. A slow fashion designer that conceives of her works as ‘fossils of the future’, she explores the modernisation of traditional costumes and techniques which, fusing the ancient and the emerging future, draw on localised supply chains.
Follow @melissasterry to join this live-streamed session and for updates on the series.