BIOstudium™ launches
Helping more companies to evolve their business, Bioratorium® launches its new education and training branch, which offers bespoke masterclasses, workshops, and programmes led by seminal field experts.
’Evolving over millions of years and today so very diverse in its expression that we have yet to identify, let alone study many of its forms, understanding biological Life is a highly complex business. A composite of the Greek root word bio, which means ‘life’, and the Latin word for study, ‘studium’, BIOstudium™ is the name of our education and training branch, which is focused on helping businesses to understand how aspects of the living world work and how they might apply that knowledge when seeking to solve problems.
We offer a menu of learning activities structured around four main themes, which are designing with nature, with complexity, with circularity, and with resilience. The first of these themes focuses on biodesign and building with biology, the second on ecological systems thinking, the third on biomaterials and life cycle design, and the fourth on ecological resilience concepts and their application.
Our menu includes masterclasses, workshops and programmes led by seminal field experts and that can be delivered at beginner, intermediate, or advanced level either in-person, online, or in the instance of programmes, a hybrid of both. Masterclasses and workshops may be booked as standalone sessions or as a series of two or more, and in both instances our clients may opt to add-on pre and/or post session learning elements, such as preparatory exercises and post-session feedback and testing.
Those seeking more comprehensive education and training opportunities can opt for a curated learning programme integrating any one of several elements including both masterclasses and workshops, together with pamphlets, ebooks, audiobooks, films, and other printed or digital learning materials. Additional subjects that can be integrated into programmes include biophilia, biomimicry, biocomputing, biotechnology, and regenerative design, among others. ‘
Find out more here.